Thursday, 25 October 2012

Mother and child play on a rice field in Ahero, Kenya. Photo/TOM OTIENO

Rice farmers pose for a portrait after work in Ahero, Kenya. Photo/TOM OTIENO

A boy shield himself from the sun in a rice field waiting for birds in Ahero, Kenya. Photo/TOM OTIENO

A jovial widow Consolata Munjal pose for a portrait outside a house being constructed for her by a good Samaritan after being banished by her community for refusing to be inherited after the death of her husband in Alego, Kenya. Photo/TOM OTIENO

Inside her ramshackle of a house where she had been left with holes all over the walls and roof.  Photo/TOM OTIENO

Back to life courtesy of a Kenyan living in London Joshua Odongo Oron who offered to build her a new house. Photo/TOM OTIENO

Donkeys transport milk in Jeri-cans to a milk processing plant in Pokot Kenya. Photo/TOM OTIENO 

A Dairy farmer milk her cow in Pokot Kenya. Photo/TOM OTIENO 

Women sieve extracted earth for Gold  in Pokot Kenya. Photo/TOM OTIENO 

Monday, 22 October 2012

Mercy Adongo and Faith Apiyo are 5 year old twins who share everything and love each other . Their mother died immediately after giving birth to the twins as a result of  after birth complications. The twins at their home in Kanyuongi Malasi in Kisumu Rural is an example of many African children who lose their mothers during birth from variety of issues ranging from timely doctor response to poverty. Photo/TOM OTIENO

Twins Adongo and Apiyo

Mercy Adongo and Faith Apiyo are 5 year old twins who share everything and love each other . Their mother died immediately after giving birth to the twins as a result of  after birth complications. The twins at their home in Kanyuongi Malasi in Kisumu Rural is an example of many African children who lose their mothers during birth from variety of issues ranging from timely doctor response to poverty. Photo/TOM OTIENO